Philosophy & Standards

I have turned my strong passion for people and their professional and personal development into my profession. The optimal realization of the personal and professional potential of leaders and teams is my motivation and personal commitment.”

I see myself as a sparring partner, process companion and designer, inspirer, and idea generator for the further personal orientation and development and the solution of professional and entrepreneurial problems of my clients.

I am deeply convinced that people can only develop and improve if they understand their external image and the perception of others as well as their (leadership) impact on others and the organization. In my consulting, I also address very critical issues and perceptions directly and clearly, but sensitively and constructively, to bring about sustainable optimizations.

In addition to working with individual leaders, collaboration in leadership teams at the top and leveraging the diversity of team members are key focuses of my work. Practicing diversity initially requires attention, energy, and often patience from everyone, but I am convinced that it represents the best possible approach to solving a variety of issues.

I make the following demands on my work with clients:

01. Professionalism – Neutrality – Authenticity

Knowing the rules of conduct and the code of the business elite and living them yourself is the basis for understanding and the greatest possible objectivity in consulting. Being, remaining and acting authentically myself is an essential aspect of credibility and my way of working.

02. Diversity – individuality – uniqueness

A high level of diversity in the team leads to ideas and solutions that each individual – despite their valuable individuality, which is highly valued – could not achieve. When different (life) experiences and seniority are added to this, the result is the perfect, unique mix.

03. Independence and practical relevance

Independence in my assessments and proposals is a mandatory prerequisite for the best possible solution approach. In my work, I focus on the feasibility and practicability of solutions. Practical connectivity and implementation is one of my maxims. I consult experts or offer co-coaching for topics that I see as outside my expertise.


In the spirit of living diversity and my extremely positive experience with the great added value associated with it, I refrain from any gender labeling on my website and understand all terms and designations to apply to all genders.