The harvest has always been the most important period of the agricultural year. Similarly, in both professional and personal life, the HARVEST should be the most important period, as the fruits of one’s career and life are often hard-earned.
Sculpture: Stephan Balkenhol
Many top executives are so busy managing their routine business tasks and daily challenges that the peak of their career passes them by, and they miss the time for harvesting its rich fruits.
It is often only as retirement approaches that many realize they are not prepared for it due to being too occupied with their work. Or that physical strength has declined to the point where reaping the harvest becomes not a joy but a renewed effort.
In our ‘Harvest Time,’ we consciously pause to reflect on the past, examine the fruits of our previous life, consider the future, and develop new perspectives—both professionally and personally.
You work with Maren Paas alone or together with one of our experienced ‘Seniors,’ who understand the issues from their own experience. Upon request, a senior sports therapist and coach can also be included. Embedded within a natural, inspiring program, such FOCUS Time becomes an energy booster and eye-opener, and often serves as a turning point for a more balanced, healthier, and more satisfying life.